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Fonts and Typography

Heebo and Tinos fonts

The Council of Exceptional Children utilizes two fonts in its official communications:

  1. Our primary typeface is Heebo, which can be downloaded from Google Fonts. This sans-serif font will be used for headlines, subheadings, and other prominent text. 
  2. Our secondary typeface is Tinos, which is available for download from Google Fonts. This font is used for body text or secondary headings. This is a serif font.

Which font should I use?

Heebo should be used for headlines, subheadings, brief descriptions, tables, calendars, labels, lower thirds, captions, etc. When in doubt, use Heebo!

Tinos is a serif font that makes reading longer blocks of text easier. If you have multiple paragraphs of text, you should probably use Tinos. When in doubt, use Heebo!


Other Fonts

The CEC logo uses the AuLitera font. This font is not available for manipulation or use elsewhere.

Microsoft Suite's default font is Calibri. It is acceptable to use this or other default fonts for emails, one-on-one correspondence, documents like this one, etc.

We have a few sub-brands which use entirely different fonts/colors. Examples include High-Leverage Practices, CEC Solutions, HLP Palooza, convention, etc. These are special exceptions granted on a case-by-case basis and, therefore, are not a permanent part of this brand guide. 

This website provides an overview / quick reference of the CEC Brand. For the most up-to-date and detailed version of the brand guidelines, please contact Mason Shelby (Digital Content, Director) or Hannah Hickman (Marketing, Manager).

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Last Updated:  12 November, 2024

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