Primary Color
This shade of blue is the primary color for the CEC brand and the foundation of the palette, intended to inspire the following emotions: comfort, trust, expertise, community, and care.
The darker blue will be helpful when an additional color is needed. Please see the Secondary Colors section below if more than two colors are needed.
Only white text should be used when using the primary color as the background behind the text. No other color combinations are allowed.
This color may be used to highlight keywords but not entire sentences or paragraphs of text. You may want to highlight an important word in a sentence. For example, first-year special educators receive free admission to the keynote event.
Secondary Colors
The green, orange, and purple colors should be utilized when more options are needed beyond the Primary Color (see above). They are commonly used for the following contexts:
- Green: community, news, press releases, updates, opportunity, engagement
- Orange: education, professional development, "for teachers," publications
- Purple: sponsorship, expo, donation, help
Only white text should be used when using secondary colors as the background behind the text. No other color combinations are allowed.
They may be used to highlight key words, but not entire sentences or paragraphs of text.
Action Color
This red color is meant to be special and attention-grabbing, intended to highlight only the most important information/button on our materials.
This color should reserved only for transactional / action points. For example, on a print document, it should only be used to call out a URL to register or a due date. On a webpage, it should only be used on the registration button. Overall, it should be used sparingly to remain a high-impact option.
Only white text should be used when using the action color as the background behind the text. No other color combinations are allowed.
It may be used to highlight key words, but not entire sentences or paragraphs of text.
Black and White
We have a variety of black-and-white shades and a few shades in between. The grays are good options for items "coming soon," "sold out," or otherwise unavailable.
Only white text should be used over the black colors (#000000 and #363636), and only black text should be used over the lighter shades (#EFEFEF and #ACABAB).